See my Code

  1. How Well Do You Know Me ?
  2. August, 2020

    A CLI App (mark 1) built with nodeJS. You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you.

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  3. Are You Fan of BollyWood Movie ?
  4. August, 2020

    Bollywood Fan ? (mark 2) do you know How famous Bollywood Movie, Let's play a quiz and see.

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  5. First Website
  6. August, 2021

    Website (mark 3) Hosting my first site using Github plus Netlify integration. i am put all my projects' source code on Github..

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  7. Portfolio
  8. August, 2021

    Portfolio (mark 4) Putting my portfolio details in site with projects page. This we'll do live.

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  9. My Blog
  10. August, 2021

    Blog (mark 5) Putting my some information blogs on my portfolio blogs page.

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  11. Case Register Manager
  12. February, 2022

    Case Register Manager, (mark 6) This app will accept two inputs one for the bill amount and other one is for cash paid. It will return the cash amount in form of diffrent currencies in order of high value to low value.

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  13. Minionese
  14. August, 2020

    Are you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.

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  15. Yoda Speak
  16. August, 2020

    Convert from English to Yoda speak. Yoda often orders sentences as Object-Subject-Verb, split verbs, switches entire phrases and sometimes uses sentences that are different from his normal syntax!

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  17. Emoji Interpreter
  18. August, 2020

    I struggle with understanding the emojis. Do you too? If yes, then see this library of emojis with meaning.

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  19. Goodbooks
  20. August, 2020

    Do you read books? You would find some good recommendations for all the genre. Made using ReactJS with love.

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