See my Code

  1. Simple Calculator
  2. February, 2022

    A calculator for quick simple calculations with a nice user interface and no ads.

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  3. Degital Clock
  4. February, 2022

    using javascript and crate a degital clock.

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  5. Change Background color
  6. February, 2022

    a simple app. when you click the button , change the background color for Everytime.

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  7. Simple Counter
  8. February, 2022

    The simple counter app without advertisement.The count can be increased, it can be reduced again. And reset the value

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  9. Review Project
  10. February, 2022

    simple review project using html , css and js.

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  11. Side bar
  12. February, 2022

    sidebar project, using html,css and javascript.

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  13. Responsive Navbar
  14. March, 2022

    A responsive navbar, use html, css and javaScript.

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  15. Model
  16. March, 2022

    simple model project by using html, css and js

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  17. Questions And Answers
  18. March, 2022

    simple questions and answer project by using html, css and javaScript

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  19. Video Project
  20. March, 2022

    crate video project by using html, css and javaScript.

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  21. Food Meno Bar
  22. March, 2022

    A food menu bar. Where all kinds of food are available.

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  23. Scroll Project
  24. March, 2022

    simple scroll project, by using html, css and javaScript.

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  25. Tabs Project
  26. March, 2022

    simple tabs project, by using html, css and javaScript.

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  27. Lorem Ipsum Project
  28. March, 2022

    simple demo paragraph crate website. by using html, css and javaScript.

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  29. Grocery List
  30. March, 2022

    A grocery list, you can also edit the list and delete the items.

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  31. Slider Project
  32. March, 2022

    click and slide those pictures..

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  33. Countdown Timer
  34. March, 2022

    A simple countdown timer by using html, css and javascript.

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  35. Snake Game
  36. March, 2022

    A simple snake game by using html, css and javascript.

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